Monday, June 24, 2013

Stop Pissing on the Parade

I wish people would stop pissing on my parade!  I use the word pissing because you can still have a parade in the rain, maybe not as much fun as having a parade on a sunny day but you can enjoy splashing in the puddles. No body likes getting pissed on, especially if you're trying to have a parade! Pissing on a parade is when you're incessant on being negative no matter what! Post allergic reaction day I have little tolerance with pissers!

Today's parade started with a call to the doctor.  Let's start with the doctor deciding to ditch all my meds due to the allergic reaction and the strong suggestion that I complete a migraine detox diet. When she asked about magenisum, I told her I haven't been taking it which resulted in a lecture on the importance of diet and migraine triggers, and a book I should read about migraine (like I haven't read enough already).Besides, she said the diet could cause me to lose a little weight and who doesn't want to lose some weight! What a pisser thing to say!

I went to the book store next to get the book where the suggested diet is located. I swear its a racket. Pretty sure the doc will get a kickback from my purchase. As the clerk was looking for the book an older lady, holding a Glen Beck book and searching for a book on poetry decided to give me her ten dollars worth on migraine. I hate poetry so I should of known this was about to get ugly. The poetry had to be a sign! The lady just asked me if I had migraines and then went on a lecture with me and the clerk about how nothing works for migraines. The older lady told me point blank not to waste my money on the book and that I should be on a vegetarian gluten free diet! Swear to God she pissed on my parade for a good ten minutes! The clerk apologized but any positive attitude I might have had was rapidly being depleted.

The book isn't that bad, the diet well its a pisser too! Really not sure what I'm going to eat? The no caffine thing and no chocolate thing could just get!

The last pisser on my parade today was my loving husband. Before my dear husband left for work he had to piss on today's parade too so, I guess I should of scheduled my parade for a different day! My husband pisding on my parade was troubling because he's always been a big fan of anything I do, but apparently my knitting was cause to piss on today's parade. He took exception to the fact that I'm knitting scarfs when we live in Georgia! Really? What does my knitting scarfs in 90 degree hurt? I'm just preparing for global warming and fall fashion trends. Besides, I only know one stitch and can't knit truely useful items like sweaters and socks! That's a pisser too!

I guess I can try again tomorrow, but I hear its supposed to rain!

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