Sunday, June 23, 2013

Hives Oh My

I have chronic migraine and until this weekend I was having a pretty good run. Three wonderful months where I averaged seven migraines a month. This sounds like a lot, but when your use to 25-30 days a month you praise Jesus and do a happy dance. I have been in treatment for about two years. I'm supposed to take a high risk seizure med as a preventive measure, Maxalt when I get a migraine and Aleve if I feel one coming on. On a bad day I'm looking at about 15 pills. I use to take Imetrex for the actual migraine attack but six months ago I was maxing out the dosage and developed an allergic reaction.

At first I didn't really think I was having an allergic reaction to the Imetrex. At a visit with the nero I asked if it was a possiblity for your throat to swell during a migraine attack. The doc went ballistic talking about how I could of died and should of gone straight to the emergency room. The fact I treated myself with some benadryl and called it a day was apparently the wrong choice. My meds were switched to Maxalt which is in the tripitan family but different than the Imetrex with the hope I didn't have another allergic reaction.

Fast foward to today and holy allergic reaction! I'm use to the swelling throat thing and I'm careful to take the Maxalt only in the prescence of others who can call 911 if I can't breathe. Apparently, hives take a little longer to appear. 15 minutes after the husband leaves for work if we're timing it.  At first I thought I might have a bug bite, but after careful searching there are no bug bites. I knew I was in trouble when my face, head, legs, back and arms started to itch. When I scratch you can see the hives but my nice running tan makes them hard to see in the darkened house (I'm still light sensitive from the migraine). I would take some Benadryl, but I can't find any in the house, of course! So, I'm sitting here itching, waiting for True Blood to come on and waiting for these hives to go away!

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