Friday, June 14, 2013

My Little Girl Isn't Little Anymore

I have only one daughter and most days that's enough! I have never been big on pink and frilly, but Josie can be a nice change of pace from her testosterone enduced siblings. As she has grown up I have tried to keep the frilly girlie girl to a minimum,  but my little girl still likes zebra print and purple, and if I let her she would probably wear make up and ball gowns daily. Until recently, she has been fairly easy to raise! When dealing with Josie I trade rough and tough athletics for artsy diva. Its a nice change of pace usially.

The last year has been a year of growth for Josie. She turned 13 in April and informed me she wasn't a little girl anymore, but a full blown teenager. My husband rolled his eyes and told me to have fun. It is not fun, and to people who tell me it is you're lying, or your daughter was from another planet!

The daily drama of living with a teen girl is tiresome. 13 was not a fun age for me and it doesn't appear to be all that fun for Josie either. Explaining that you need to shave your arm pits was a talk I'd prefer not to ever have again as well as the pads versus tampons discussion that my husband told me to have fun with! We have also had our share of "I don't care what your friend ------(substitute has, is doing, is wearing or allowed to do) you're not conversations! The things her peers do, wear and are allowed to engage in make me look ancient and unreasonable many times to Josie! I have a feeling that will continue for a few more years!

It hasn't been all bad. I finally have someone to watch "Say Yes to the Dress" with as well as Bridezilla. These are in preparation for Josie's big day which I have been informed will be a VERY big day! Josie and I can now share most of our clothes. One of the pictures attached is Josie today, wearing my bikini from last year! She's definitely not a little girl anymore and the way the high school boys looked at her on the beach...well its good that she has 4 brothers, or my husband can have fun with that!

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