Friday, January 3, 2014

Chocolate Waffles = A "Good" Mom

Most days I question my ablities as a mom. This is especially true after reading some blog posts, or Facebook posts on how wonderful other moms are doing at raising their kids. I might not be a shinning example of motherhood, but sometimes,  sometimes I rock the he'll out of being a parental. Witness the chocolate waffle!

Yes, that's right, I made chocolate waffles and hold on... bacon for breakfast today. Diet be damned,  we are celebrating the last day of break! I even let the kids put whatever they wanted on their chocolate waffles.  Fluff and sugar? Sure! Let's celebrate that it will be April before we have another week off for y'all to fight over the Xbox controller.  Powered sugar and regular sugar? Why not? I'm not the one having to make straight A's for the rest of my high school career because I didn't listen to my mother first semester of my freshman year! Top the waffle with bacon? Go for it, because waking up at 6am and doing homework are a weekend away.

Eat hearty young ones school is about to start back up! Mommy loves you, but she's ready to send you back to school, where hopefully you earn some accolades I can post to social media!

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