Wednesday, January 29, 2014

State of the Union- Gagnon Style

 Since last night was the State of the Union address, and when I was growing up I wanted to be the President of the United States, I thought it would be fun to provide my own State of the Gagnon's Address. This is an updated picture of our family taken at Thanksgiving 2013.  Stephen is a senior, Zeke is a freshman, Josie is an 8th grader, Elijah is a 5th grader and Colin is a 3rd grader.  My husband and I will be the big 40 this year. Most days we try to get everyone dressed, fed, off to the bus, off to work, homework completed, laundry done, bodies cleaned and repeat.  On good days I get a little baking and running in.  On really good days I get some writing in that isn't school related!

This is Colin, being Colin!
     Things seem to be going pretty well.  We have successfully moved to a smaller house in South Georgia.  Children are sharing rooms and haven't killed each other (most days).  Daily fights about counter space due to Josie not doing the dishes (her only chore) happen, well daily.  Trash goes out on Friday's instead of Tuesdays.  Mail comes in the morning instead of the afternoon.  Overall we manage to navigate the smaller space pretty well.  When it gets too loud, or to crowded, well someone is going outside (kids, mom just depends on the weather and time of day).  Speaking of weather, I was assured that it was going to be warm in South Georgia.  I enjoyed the 80 degree days in August and September, but this constant 27 degrees one day and 70 the next isn't my cup of tea.
Elijah has adjusted well.

Health wise, everyone has been pretty healthy.  Stephen got to discover the joys of migraines like Elijah and I do.  Elijah's seizures haven't been too bad. Big storms and crazy weather patterns can set him off, but he's good at managing them.  I'm learning how to manage my Hashimoto's flare ups.  Not as well as Elijah takes his seizures.  I'm still a little pissed about the swelling, fatigue and weight gain.  I could really pass on the attacking of my joints Hasimoto's causes.  I've tried using it as a reason to by some more running shoes, but my husband isn't buying it.  I have things to do and places to go so, when it's bad I push through and then go to bed at 7.  The vitamin regiment has been helping a lot (as long as I remember to take them).  I currently weigh 158, down from 164.  Progress is being made, just not at the speed I like. I'm also not a good dieter.  The family begged me not to fully give up my Coca-Cola in fear that I would go postal on some unexpecting soul, but I'm down to two a day.  Cupcakes and sugar in general... well I'm still working on that.
Josie's usual look

         As far as school goes, looks like some are doing better than others.  Stephen is on track to graduate.  Thank you Jesus (and everyone else who has stopped me from ringing his neck over the years).  South Georgia education is different.  After arguing that Zeke really was gifted, and struggling with his belief that homework really isn't a necessary part of the educational process, he appears to be having a much better second semester of high school.  Josie is working hard and hoping that the chorus program at the high school next year is better than the middle school chorus, but once again she qualified for the large group performance choir.  She also managed to silence a section of soprano's at the Christmas concert with one look proving that the queen still rules.  Elijah has an awesome teacher.  He's on honor roll, making new friends and getting ready to play soccer for the first time in two years.  Colin, well he's still the family ham.  He was asked to join drama, but he thought he had better things to do with his after school time, like run around in the back yard, climb trees and play video games.  He has managed to make lots of new friends,
Look, siblings not fighting!
Brian and I have adjusted to our new jobs.  I enjoy mine more than he does his.  We joined the YMCA.  Brian is now bowling and I joined a running group.  I'll be running the half marathon in my new home town in March.  We are planning a trip to Maine this summer where I'll run a half marathon in my old hometown.  Looks like I'll be starting a volleyball program from scratch this summer as well as preparing for some more half-marathons.  We'll be going to Atlanta in August for the Magnolia Run to raise funds for the Epilepsy Foundation.  Josie and Zeke's classes have been chosen for high school, Elijah eagerly waits for picking electives for middle school, and Colin isn't sure about being the only Gagnon in a school for the first time.  All in all things are better than they have been, but there still a great distance to travel!
Me with my "babies!"

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Not Too Bad

This Saturday I completed my, well I don't know how many 5k's I've finished, but this one was memorable.  My first 5k I ran 50 minutes with a then 50 pound Elijah on my back. My PR (personal record), I remember that one too. Mile two was a trail section and I almost fell three times on the Southwest side of Atlanta. I was surprised I ran 38 minutes on the hilly, rainy course. I was even more impressed I stayed upright!

Saturday's 5k was the Nun Run in support of St. Theresa's Catholic Church and school. You got a hat for signing up and if you could beat the nun, then you got a special prize. Plus, sometimes I'm a good Catholic girl (minus the abstinence and no cussing of course). The parish priest was there offering blessings The other nuns, school kids and teachers made the runners pancakes after the race. Any race that's willing to make free pancakes for people who love to carb load, and have a priest bless you before running is alright with me!

It was cold for south Georgia (27). There was no chip timing, or gun start, or even a big clock to keep track of your time. I guess when your running for the brides of Jesus you should have some faith that someone is keeping up with your time. Since the sisters are a little older, and I know how distracted my kids would get with the task, I started Run Keeper, delayed slightly because of the start.

When the guys, who look like Hell's Angels took off on their motorcycles,  the race started. The nun...yeah that was a man dressed up in a habit. That was a little disappointing since I was sizing up the  potential running nuns at the check in. I thought since the sisters were in their 60's, and running in full nun gear, I had a real chance at a prize. Now, I'm not too proud to admit that there are many 60 year old women who leave me in the dust when it comes to running, but I thought I had a chance until I saw the running nun was a man dressed in the nun's habit. No prize this 5k.

I had a nice race. I ran with a girl from my running group who was just diagnosed with a thyroid condition. The leader of our group is running the Princess marathon at Disney. Since I'm not much of a princess,  I stayed local with the nuns. It turned out my running buddy came in fourth in her age group and I came in 5th in my age group! Best age group finish for a 5k! Guess getting blessed by the priest helped! I attached a picture of me post race, getting a congratulatory hug from our dog when I came in. Not too bad a day!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

For The Love of Brian

I love sports, well most sports. I love Brian, my husband.  He loves sports too. It's one of the few things we have in common. We both love the Red Sox. We love hockey, soccer and football. He'll even watch track and field with me. Truth be told he'll watch volleyball before I will and I'm a volleyball coach.

All that being said, I must really love this man because we are currently watching a dvr replay of bowling!  Yes, you read that right bowling.  Now my husband can bowl. I prefer the grannie, between your legs bowling and if I score over a 100, I've had a pretty good game. Watching middle aged men, in colorfull shirts, hucking a colored ball down hard wood, well its kinda like watching paint dry. Not the most exciting sport. In fact, the best part has been the commercial showing how they make the balls.

The things we do for love! I'll sit here until Brian has finished watching this yawn fest, or until he falls asleep in his chair and I can snag the remote.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Into Every Life Some Rain Must Fall

I missed getting up and running with my running group,again.  I could of got up to run at 6am or 730am, but I slept in until 830am. My early weekend morning motivation and determination lacking, I decided to see if making a donut run might help. No point in disappointing the kids with no Saturday Krispy Kremes because mom didn't have her act together, right?

I hoped that a couple donuts and a coke would make my five mile run motivation come around. If a coke can bring a smile surely it can make a person want to go run. No such luck. It was cloudy and 68 degrees when I drove to get the donuts. Rain chance at 90% so, I started thinking tomorrow's sunny forecast was looking like a better day to complete a five mile run. Then I remembered Sunday is Y day and I have laundry to do.

The clouds didn't look bad when I left the house. There was a nice breeze and I was even in shorts, in January! The first mile was cloudy, windy and not that bad. Then the clouds started getting dark and the street lights started to come on. Thats when I took a picture to docuement my potential stupidity. Usually at this point I call my husband to come pick me up in the car, but of course he's working, so I allowed stupidity to rule and kept running.

I heard my run timer announce my 14:40 per mile pace and started doing some quick math in my head (not my strong suit). I wasn't sure at my pace if I could get five miles in before the storms started, but since I was wearing a purple shirt and fighting with disappointment in myself due to my failure to run with my group I kept on running, in classic slow Eyore fashion.

At about mile 2.5 I heard the first rumblings of mother nature. A runner never likes to hear thunder half way through a run, especially a slow runner who is certain there is no chance of out running a storm. I'm one of those runners, but there wasn't really a choice but to continue.  I don't know any short cuts in my new neighborhood,  nor do I know any neighbors on that side of the neighborhood that would let me hang out until the storm passed. If I was getting home it was on my own feet. 

3 miles out the rain started. When you wear glasses it gets hard to see in the rain. Puddles, sticks, garbage, holes all start looking like a blurry mess. Cars passing by spray you with water, your feet are wet, it sucks. Still, at least it was warm and I only had two miles left. I started thinking I can do this. The running app announced 4 miles. I was wet and couldn't see much, but I was in the home stretch!

Then..... the thing a runner never wants to hear on a run...tornado siren! Really?! I knew I should of just kept my happy butt in bed! On a good day I can run a 12:30 mile, but after running four of them.... Well, let's just say the snowball has a better chance of making it out of he'll than I did of getting out of the storm! I ran the last mile home. Blurry vision, wet feet, siren blasting, thunder grumbling, I ran.

Well, now that its done, logged shared, and I'm recovering,  I'm planning on excusing myself from laundry the rest of the day. YOLO!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Gym Problems

I'm new to the gym scene. Some bio  mechanic issues mother nature blessed me with, and the need to lose the twenty pounds Hashimoto's disease has blessed me with, drove me seek out a gym. Sometimes I take the kids and on Sundays I take my husband. I really like to go use the rowing machine and the weights are just bonus. Thursdays I'm taking a hot yoga/Pilates class which I like despite how it highlights what little coordination I have!

I don't know a great deal about gym etiquette. I assume its a little like running in that you wave to people you see, give way to people who move faster, and no pushing. Oh, and wear headphones because not everyone wants to hear your music. Personally,  I don't talk much when I run and I really don't talk much working out (I'm usually too busy trying to do two things at once, like moving and breathing)! Hence my confusion today.

I was rowing and the guy behind me on the stepper started talking, really loud. Now, due to the years coaching, mothering a large family and trying to drown out my off key singing by turning the radio up as loud as it goes, I'm pretty deaf! If I can hear you over the machines, well, you're too loud. I even had my headphones in. At first I thought the guy might be talking to my husband, but then I saw the phone. Who talks on the phone and does aerobic exercise?  Who has the coordination to use the step machine and hold a phone? I have a hard enough time not falling off the thing. He was annoying and I was glad when he left.

I also don't understand the need for the towel. I usually wipe my face with my shirt. Its convenient and I don't have to keep up with it. Plus, its one less piece of laundry I have to do! I surely do not understand why you'd give people a white towel to wipe their sweat on, never mind when they put that towel down on the machines.  One guy wiped his face with his towel, then put it down on a machine covered in blood! Can you say unsanitary? There are bottles with bleach and rags hanging around to clean off the machines, but that's a lot of work too considering the rags they have are about a inch long and inch wide. Then I'm sitting around, smelling like sweaty bleach, waiting for the equipment to dry.

I guess I'll continue to work on my gym problems. Adding gym time has helped me lose four pounds so it can't be all bad!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Chocolate Waffles = A "Good" Mom

Most days I question my ablities as a mom. This is especially true after reading some blog posts, or Facebook posts on how wonderful other moms are doing at raising their kids. I might not be a shinning example of motherhood, but sometimes,  sometimes I rock the he'll out of being a parental. Witness the chocolate waffle!

Yes, that's right, I made chocolate waffles and hold on... bacon for breakfast today. Diet be damned,  we are celebrating the last day of break! I even let the kids put whatever they wanted on their chocolate waffles.  Fluff and sugar? Sure! Let's celebrate that it will be April before we have another week off for y'all to fight over the Xbox controller.  Powered sugar and regular sugar? Why not? I'm not the one having to make straight A's for the rest of my high school career because I didn't listen to my mother first semester of my freshman year! Top the waffle with bacon? Go for it, because waking up at 6am and doing homework are a weekend away.

Eat hearty young ones school is about to start back up! Mommy loves you, but she's ready to send you back to school, where hopefully you earn some accolades I can post to social media!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Spin Class, What Fresh Hell Is This

Today was open day at the Y. The kids were super excited because they were giving out free tee shirts! Since the hubs had a rare day off he went with us. The Y was hosting sample classes and I was hoping to sample Zuma or yoga. Instead my daughter and I stumbled into Spin 101! My husband, you ask? Yeah, he got the hell out of dodge and left me with a lady from work who loves spin class and my daughter who was actually enthusiastic about moving. I knew there was no way I was getting out of this, so I signed in and away we ventured into hell.

The spin room is an old racquetball court that has been converted to a spin room. The room is painted red, black with orange highlights. The lights stay off. Rope lighting and a spotlight over an orange painted YMCA logo provide the only lights in the room. The ambiance is very soothing, which we learned was to help the spinners get into the "zone" and focus on your ride. Very Zen!

There are about 25 spin bikes. We were informed that these bikes were different than other stationary bikes because the wheel is weighted 40 pounds. This was the first sign I was entering hell! Who wants to peddle the weight of a small child? The instructor was very sweet and set my bike up for me. It required a lot of adjustments and the only thing I remember is my seat goes all the way up and it sits at a 4!

The next warning/instructions given were the use of the emergency brake, which is a big red lever on the front of the bike. Apparently,  if your foot comes out of the straps you have to hit the emergency break so the bike doesn't take your legs off. Oh happy day, sign two I have entered hell!

The music started and the instructor started talking my daughter and I through our first spin class. Not one minute after starting, the instructor informed us that we could ignore her instructions and do our own thing because spin is all about enjoying the ride. WHAT?! Sign three I have entered hell, no clear instructions on how to get through this and it started to get hot.

Thirty minutes of attempting to stand, sit, and adjust the weight on the wheel had me sweating, I mean pouring sweat. I knew we had arrived into the depths of hell when Satan, oops the friendly instructor, came over to tell me I wasn't standing right and added more weight to the wheel. What the hell happened to doing your own thing?

The liar, liar pants on fire saying came to my head. This was not fun like my work friend said. I was not getting to do my own zen thing. Oh, and my pants were literally on fire. I never have had my butt hurt so much on a bike as it did in the thirty minute ride. The happy club music ended and so did hell, or at least I thought until people wanted to talk to my daughter.

My daughter that thinks getting up to change the channel is exercise?  She wasn't sweating and having a blast! She even asked if we could make going to spin class a weekly thing. I suggested we take up running together,  but Satan, I mean the instructor, told us spinning is so much better for your joints. The "be a good example" mom in me said sure before the "crazy says what" mom could say hell no! So, once a week I guess I'll be battling Satan in hell, opps I mean getting in shape at spin class!