Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Things To Do

Today, I went for a run! Trust me it was a big accomplishment! You see I have a problem with getting things done on my to do list, a really BIG problem. A couple weeks ago one of my students pointed out that a to do list with 25 items a day was too much, especially when none of the items are fun. He also pointed out that they were all work related things to do and I had to have things to do in my non work life. When a teenager looks at you and says all work and no play makes for tired, unhappy teacher then it's probably time to do something about the to do list. So, I added some of my non teacher to do's on my to do list.

My student gave me a F! An epic failure when he saw my to do list today. There were 20 items and three were non teacher items. Hey, I was making improvements and I thought that I should at least get a D! My student must have a great teacher because he gave prescriptive feedback on my work. My lovely student added item 21 to the to do list in big capital letters that took up the rest of the page. He made sure there was no way I could add anything else to the list. Smart boy! I know he has a good teacher now! What did he write?

RUN!!! Today I was a good student! I did my homework and ran 2.8 miles! I hope my teacher gives me an A!

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