Friday, June 13, 2014

Forced Hiatus From Running

My bad ankle!
At some point in every runner's life they are forced to take a hiatus from running.  Life is too busy, company arrives unexpectedly, you get the flu, or like me, you get an injury.  I am currently on a forced hiatus from the running I love.  My ankle apparently doesn't care that I have plans to complete four more half marathons this year, or run a couple 5k's this summer.  My ankle doesn't care that summer time is the most time I have all year to train and get in real shape to run these races in the fall.  All my ankle currently cares about is getting un impinged, not wearing heels and actually getting back to it's ankle shape instead of the tennis ball shape its been looking like.  I'm sure that tennis balls are a lovely shape, but apparently my ankle does not appreciate being swollen three inches so, I had to take it to the ortho who, after a very painful injection into the joint determined the best course of action was a brace, rest, and some physical therapy.  NO RUNNING until I'm cleared by the physical therapist.

This is not my first forced hiatus from running. I'm also not good at icing and resting.  I haven't been to physical therapy since high school and to say I hated it well, that would be a GROSS understatement.  My experience with physical therapy was painful.  When you look forward to the ice bath at the end of the session, it's a very painful experience.  The ice bath was the least painful experience of the three months of physical therapy so, I was not looking forward to going back for another round. I get impatient, fat and cranky when I don't get to run so not going is not an option my family is going to let me take.

Today was my first session.  I point blank asked if I could run today. The answer was of course NO.  The therapist was very nice and measured my ankles.  The swelling is down to only 1/2 inch.  Good to go I thought, but the therapist watched me walk and stand on one foot, the bad one.  Now, I'm not the most graceful person in the world.  I've even been know to trip over flat surfaces, as well as my own feet, but I hoped once she saw me walk we could move onto a light jog.  No such luck.  Apparently, I've been walking wrong for a long time.  I should propel from the back and balls of my feet.  I turn out and fall heavy, with no propulsion.  It's truly amazing I get anywhere with the way I walk.  I also don't distribute my weight evenly, which is true since the weight gain from not running seems to be going straight to me stomach and butt! That's not what she meant of course so, I spent 15 minutes learning how to walk correctly.  Then I was tested with my balance.  Fun times as balance is not a strong skill either. Standing on one foot is always a little problematic and all I can say is that she at least let me stand in a door frame.  So, when I fell over I'd have something to hit...the door frame all ten times!

The verdict only took about 30 minutes.  No running until I learn to walk correctly.  I have been assigned a half mile walking working up to a mile of walking correctly for the next two weeks before I go back.  I did get a cool gel ice pack to use after these walks. It's a good thing I'll be traveling with National History Day students to DC to take my mind off this forced hiatus from running.  Please pray for patience and pleasant attitudes during this time for me and those around me.  Remember if you see me, I'm having running withdrawals
so be kind!

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