Friday, April 25, 2014

What's For Dinner

I like to bake.  I like to cook and I like to try new things.  Taking these things into account it should not be a daily battle to answer the question, "What's for dinner?"  There's plenty of good material to choose from on the internet.  I even have a whole Pinetrest board dedicated to food to assist with deciding what's for dinner.  Why does this daily question have to be so hard?

We used to do menu planning for the month.  That helped when I was coaching and my husband's work schedule dictated that he started supper.  There is only so much concession stand food one can eat before your stomach just says NO!  Now when we used to menu plan for the month, each of the kids got a day of the week to pick a meal.  With five kids, that only left two days for me to plan for.  That wasn't too bad, but now the children have tired of menu planning and no longer get excited about assiting with the task.  They will on occasion fight and argue about what we should have for dinner, but to actually plan out a meal that doesn't require one to dirty every dish in the house, or eat out of a paper bag is not in their skill set yet.  Their favorite meal to request is fried chicken, home made mac and cheese, home made crescent rolls and home made cake for dessert.  Who has time for that on a Tuesday after work, and before soccer practice?

Many people ask their husband to assist with meal planning, but my husband isn't really all that picky.  I usually get a whatever you want response.  Well, if I didn't have to cook it I'd like roasted potatoes, home made bread, steak and chocolate moose with a chocolate graham cracker crust for dinner.  Since I'm the one who usually has to cook, calling for pizza looks really good!  Eating out could be a solution.  Problem one with that solution is there are not many restaurants to select from in our area.  Problem two with that solution is we are not rich!

So, if you read this blog (and I hope someone other than my husband is reading this blog) I'm open to suggestions about What's for dinner?
The homemade cake my kids would like for supper

Kids favorite meal minus homemade bread

1 comment:

  1. Well, it just so happens that I have my master meal plan list here in front of me. I highly highly highly recommend keeping a master list. Sit down one night and brainstorm together all the meals you and your children enjoy eating -- including things you'd order from restaurants (you can always find a recipe, right!?). Then fill out a month or a week or two weeks from the master list. To come up with sides, think of what you'd order to go with them in a restaurant and fill those in.

    Here are some suggestions from my list: sauerkraut and kielbasa, pork in sweet and sour sauce with rice and Chinese veggies, tuna cannelloni, fettuccini with ham and cream sauce, salmon pie, sesame chicken, homemade Mac and Cheese, enchiladas...
