Friday, April 11, 2014

11 Years and Still Going Strong

Me and My Hubby
Today marks a milestone, I have been married to my husband for 11 years!  God bless him for hanging in there this many years.  Today, people at work were asking why I had not posted a picture of us on our wedding day.  The truth is there wasn't a big fancy wedding.  Brian and I ran up to Tennessee with three kids in tow to tie the knot.  I wore a blue dress and a white sweater.  Brian did wear a shirt and tie so, I guess he was dressed up.  I'm pretty sure the two oldest boys were in sweater vests and my daughter was in a dress.  When we said our vows, the children proceeded to role down the aisle.  When we were done, we loaded back into the car and drove home to Atlanta.  That friends is how a marriage was started!

Brian was present at my first wedding which was a pretty big affair.  In fact he was in the wedding party.  There was a white fancy dress, men in tuxes and I even drove away in a classic Rolls Royce.  That marriage did not last for a variety of reasons, but this one has.  No fancy wedding, or honeymoon to a fancy place.  Three kids that are biologically not his, mountains of debt, migraines, seizures, car wrecks, college degrees, moving-he signed up for this voluntarily and has stayed!

Brian has been one of my best friends since I was 15. He was my partner in crime whenever I wanted to take a road trip to the beach.  When my first serious relationship hit the rocks, he held me while I got snot all over his pants and then went shopping with me to help cheer me up.  The first day of my senior year he brought me pizza and a coke just because.  He suffered a 24 hour car ride with my mother and sisters to make sure I was okay at Mercer.  When I went into labor with my oldest, Brian went to the emergency room with me and then drove in a blizzard to pick up my son's father.  There has never been a time that if I needed Brian that he has not come to my aid (usually with a coke, pizza, cupcake or donuts).  I have never had a truer friend than Brian!

There are times that I wish Brian and I had started our romantic relationship when we were younger.  Life probably would not be as complicated as it has been if, I had not overlooked what was right next to me when I was 15! I'm sure God had his own plans and things happened just how they needed to happen.  There isn't a day that I'm not thankful to be married to my best friend.  He knows me better and loves me more than words can express.  While we have only been married for 11 years, I can't imagine sharing this crazy life with a more wonderful person than my husband!  Here's to more years of going strong!

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