Monday, March 10, 2014

Learning New Things

This is my first year as an Assistant Principal.  I spent 16 years in the classroom teaching students with disabilities.  Occasionally, I have conversations with people from my teaching past that ask me questions about how life is on the admin side of education.  I do get lots of questions about how I feel about my new job.  Many days I just don't know how I feel about being an Assistant Principal.  More days then not I wonder if I'm doing anything right and every day I learn something new.  Here are a few of the things that I have learned since becoming an Assistant Principal.

1. Don't plan on getting paper and pencil tasks done while teachers, or students are present in the building.

2. Cell phones, dress codes and candy are just as much as a headache as they were when you were a teacher, only now your the person dishing out the consequences.

3. No one like consequences for their actions if they are negative, but if someone else needs negative consequences they better get them.

4. There is always too much work to do and too little time to get it done.

5. Food is the greatest motivator!

6. I know that teachers have better things to do then go to another meeting, but I still have to have one.

7.  When in doubt, smile and nod.

8. There's never enough supplies or money to get the things done that you want to.

9. Sometimes there is not a right answer.

10. Smiling, saying "hello, I'm glad you're here" and really meaning it can make all the difference. (Even if you say it to the new Assistant Principal)
The new AP demonstrating appropriate dress code.  Yes I wore the suspenders all day to prove a point!

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