Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Little Warm

When your normal temperature runs at about 96.7 it's hard to explain to a doctor that your running a fever at 98.7.  That was my temperature at the urgent care this morning, 98.7 and technically it's one of the few times I've been normal. I told the nurse I had Hashimoto's but she did not record it on my chart. She also didn't know what a pfo was. Neither did the doctor so, I was glad to get some antibiotics and decongestant and get the hell out of that scary place.

I'm amazed that this is how warm most people feel every day. I'm wearing shorts and it's only 71 degrees outside. My hands and feet are warm too. Unless I'm running, I'm never this warm above 80 degrees.  This might be a blessing because if I ran a normal temperature then I'd have to retire my sweater collection and shave my legs more frequently!

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