Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Being Sick With A Chronic Illness

I'm use to not feeling 100%. I manage chronic migraine and Hashimoto's daily. I follow a pretty strict sleep schedule, I take my vitamins, I track any weather changes, I follow my migraine diet (most days). I have become a pro at managing these two conditions as best I can, but they still flair up from time to time.  Due to the fatigue and pain that both of my chronic conditions cause, I can be a little slow in identifying when a virus or infection is attacking. That's what happened yesterday with my sinus infection and double ear infections.

Ear pain can be part of migraine so I ignored it for three weeks. My thyroid swells up and makes my throat hurt so, I blamed my sore throat and enlarged lymph nodes on the Hashimoto's.  The increased fatigue?  I blamed that on the wacky weather, busy schedule at home and work, and my thyroid acting up. When I started to deteriorate quickly Monday,  I finally took some cold meds, blamed my husband and kids for giving me a cold,and went to bed at 7pm. Tuesday,  I felt worse than I had in years. Over the counter cold meds were no longer working, and I got sent home from work with specific orders to go to the doctor.

I've taken three doses of antibiotics, a ton of anti inflammatory meds, and three doses of decongestant cough medicine. My right ear leaked a bunch of fluid over the night and feels better. My left ear on the other hand is still killing me. While I'm pretty good at managing my chronic conditions, I have to admit these ear infections have put me down for the count. I'm not sure about looking like I have two black eyes right now either, but at least they don't hurt.

So, I guess the moral of the story is to not get too comfortable with successful management of a chronic condition because a little ear infection can bring you to the fetal position.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Little Warm

When your normal temperature runs at about 96.7 it's hard to explain to a doctor that your running a fever at 98.7.  That was my temperature at the urgent care this morning, 98.7 and technically it's one of the few times I've been normal. I told the nurse I had Hashimoto's but she did not record it on my chart. She also didn't know what a pfo was. Neither did the doctor so, I was glad to get some antibiotics and decongestant and get the hell out of that scary place.

I'm amazed that this is how warm most people feel every day. I'm wearing shorts and it's only 71 degrees outside. My hands and feet are warm too. Unless I'm running, I'm never this warm above 80 degrees.  This might be a blessing because if I ran a normal temperature then I'd have to retire my sweater collection and shave my legs more frequently!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Don't Know

I am currently sitting in bed, in the only position that isn't causing extreme pain down my entire left side, with the heating pad on high. I don't know what the hell I did to myself today to cause such pain, but I hope it was gracefully done. Since I sent my wonderful husband out to get me a cup cake, and I'm kinda stuck in my current position, I've started to think about all the other things I don't know. I thought it might help pass the time if I shared a list so, here goes.

1. Bruises- where do they come from? I currently have six bruises on my legs and only know where one came from. If I whacked myself hard enough to get a bruise, surely it should of registered somewhere in my brain.

2. Socks- I started with a pair and now there is only one? Don't know where socks go, but sure would like to match them on occasion.

3. Mathematics as the language of the universe- math makes my head hurt. I don't know when numbers and computational skills became a language that can explain the existence of all things, but I've attempted to read some literature on this subject and still know nothing.

4. Parenting- I don't know why some people attempt parenting. I don't know how you qualify as a good parent. I don't know why when you're being a good parent your kids hate you. I don't know why studies are showing parents are less happy than non parents. They must not have met my kids because I'm pretty happy I've kept them happy, alive and productive this long!

5. Brownie points- I don't know where this term came from, how to keep up with them, or why my husband and children think they can trade them in for when they do something stupid!

6. Dieting- I don't know why there are so many. I don't know why there isn't a chocolate, pizza, coke and cupcake diet that makes you thin.  If we can put a man on the moon, surely we can figure out how to make food taste good, without harmful chemicals, and lots of calories.

7. Professional athlete pay- I don't know why we pay these people more than teachers, members of the military, police or fire fighters. I don't know why we act surprised when professional athletes get caught doing stupid things with all that money. Its not like we're paying them to solve math problems, or cure cancer. You pay professional athletes lots of money to run and do something athletic with a ball, not be rocket scientist.

8. Undergarments at Wal-Mart- I don't know why bras are optional. I don't know why your underwear has to be visible. I don't know why someone thinks its okay to go a store in their undergarments and then be mad when people look at them

9. Bed time- I don't know why kids fight bed time. I don't know why grown ups should feel guilty for going to bed early. I say let all people sleep until they're rested and not cranky.

10. I'm sure there's a million more things I don't know... but my cupcake and pain meds have arrived. I don't know if they will help but, its not the first thing I don't know.