Sunday, September 8, 2013

173 Days Left and a Swollen Foot

This week's long run was 5miles. Saturday was a wasted day at the doctor's office so, I had to run it by myself today. 173 days seems like a long time away, but in marathon training at my age and medical issues, I'm not sure I can afford an time off to nurse an injury.  So, of course that means my right foot decides to show itself, and not in a good way! Not sure if my ankle brace for the bone fragments has become obsolete, or if I stepped wrong, but there's brusing and a bone sticking out.

Now for most people I'm sure a bruised foot with a lump after running is a trip to the doctor, but since I spent yesterday there I'm really not in the mood to hear "ice and rest!" I'm also not in the mood to hear "why run a marathon, " so I'm treating my foot at home! I do have a doctorate degree after all (okay, so its not a medical degree but it should count for something, right)!  I've manipulated the bone somewhere close to back in place, and as you see in the picture I'm icing it. If that doesn't do the trick I have a couple orthopedic boots to select from. This is not my first rodeo with orthopedic issues and I have amassed a great deal of equipment to refrain from giving money, that could be spent on a race or new running outfit, to a doctor!

So here I sit! I'm making steak for supper and going to bed early. I hear that proteins help you heal faster! There are two thirty minute runs on slate for later this week so, say a little prayer that my foot is ready. There are only 173 more days until my first marathon and I need to be in tip top shape!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Doctor Visit, Up and 174 Days to Go

I was supposed to run five miles today with my pace group, but I went to the doctor's instead. I did my 30 minutes Thursday, but its been a rough week and everyone could tell. My principal told me to go home and rest this weekend.  No football game tonight, just rest and take Monday too if I need it! (Have I mentioned how much I love my new school) My stomach has been bothering me and I feel like I have a piece of candy stuck in my throat.

I slept in until 830am, ate, showered and went to the doctor.  The doctor took one look at my throat and said it was obvious I had strep! I was surprised by her announcement because I haven't been running a fever and my throat doesn't hurt. Blood work doesn't show elevated white blood cells and they never ran a strep test. An antibiotic shot and steroid shot and a four hour wait later no one knows what's wrong with my stomach or why I've put on about ten pounds in the last month or why by 8pm I look six months pregnant.  I should of stayed in Albany and run my five miles. It would of been cheaper and I'd probably feel better!

Because four hours in the doctor's office wasn't enough, we went to get Zeke a phone. While we were there my husband got me an Up band to see if that will provide some insights into my health. It's a cool gadget and now I don't have to deplete my cell phone battery when I run. Super excited to try it out tomorrow when I do my five miles because in 174 days it will be tracking my first marathon! I'll keep y'all posted on how it worked tomorrow!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Marathon Journey Begins:180 Days of Full Crazy

There are 180 days until the Albany Marathon. There are 180 days before I earn a coveted 26.2 sticker for my car. There are 180 days before I run a marathon in our new home town. There are 180 days full of self doubt that I can run a marathon. There are 180 days of training ahead to counter the self doubt that I'm going to run a marathon (for real this time)!

This time is different. I have taken steps to ensure I will make it to the start line and to the finish line. I have joined a training group for the Albany Marathon. I put my money where my feet shall go by joining this group. My first run was Saturday and I'm with group six (my favorite number). The race director is in my group and she is very reassuring this is the perfect first marathon! None of the people in the group look like elite runners, all have jobs and kids so, if they can do it so can I!

The course is flat and actually runs down our new street. It will take me five, ten minutes tops to get to the starting line and even shorter to get home. There's a seven hour time limit which sounds just about right. Friends and family can come cheer me on then come back to our new house to celebrate the fact I will no longer be a marathon hopeful, but a marathon completer!

180 days is a school year away and I've done pleanty of school years! I'll be posting updates on my training for the next 180 days if your interested in watching me be full crazy instead of half crazy!  Wish me luck!