Tuesday, July 16, 2013

There Back

Migraine, migraine go away my Lili is having a birthday today! For almost two weeks I've been battling my migraines and it sucks! I was hoping they had left after only having three last month, but no such lyck! Some of the problem maybe days like today.I drove a total of six hours to and from my new job, planned professional learning, partially dealt with my broken car, and a few other minor issues as the day progressed. To say I don't have time to be laying in bed, in the dark with my head packed in ice is an understatement! It also didn't help to have another allergic reaction to my abortive med and because the doctor left early I'm told to take nothing and suffer until the first available appointment (which is Friday)!

Did I mention I started a new job too? In South Georgia I'm not sure how up to date they are with migraine treatment. Today I had to explain florescent lighting really isn't my thing and while I'm usually pretty cool, I'm pretty sure the new assistant principal should not be wearing her sunglasses inside! One of the secertaries noticed I brought a lamp for my desk and I was essentially working in the dark, so she brought me a floor lamp for the office when I explained to her what was going on with my head. Sweetest thing ever! Lunch brought a new set of woes. Explaining to new people that I'm on a strict diet and under no circumstances can I eat Chinese food and a host of other things most people put in their mouths daily is always a fun way to spend a lunch time.

My new school seems to be handling this migraine thing pretty well. Everyone is pretty accommodating and very interested in my treatment plan. Now if I could get some new meds asap so I could celebrate my boy's birthday that would be AWESOME!

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