Monday, February 25, 2013

Observant Kids

I don't feel well today! The change of weather from Tampa to Georgia, and running a half marathon yesterday has wiped me out. I'm runny and snotty figuratively and literally. It was also our first day back to school from a week break so, getting out of bed this morning wasn't easy.

By the time I got home tonight my children observed that I wasn't up to par. As all normal children do when mom is sick, they keep a low profile,  but I don't have normal children.  After they graciously let me have a long bath, Elijah demonstrated his new career choice of massage therapist on my back and calves. (We'll rent him out as he's learning, but you better book early because he's a pro). Stephen and Colin found two running magazines and Josie is being quiet! They all agreed mom should go to bed and they set up my resting place with a box of tissues, my phone, and the magazines. They even put the seizure/migraine detector cat on the bed to monitor me.

Pretty cool kids to observe some of mom's favorite things. Of course its awful quiet out there so this could of been a distraction technique, but for now I'm going with the "I have produced wonderful, observant, caring kids" fantasy!  Hey, did I mention I'm running a fever? I'm sure after a Benadryl induced coma my normal children will reappear!

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