Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What Happens When You Have A Seizure on an Escalator

Okay, those of you that follow me on Facebook have probably waited a few days for this post.  On Sunday, Zeke, Colin, Elijah and I went to the Mall of Georgia to shop and get pretzel bites for lunch.  While I know that waiting for your mom, while she has a long involved discussion with the people in Williams and Sonoma about benays (I think I probably spellt that wrong, but they are one of the best things I've ever put in my mouth and apparently you only find them at Cafe Du Monde) is not the boys' idea of a good time. Getting pretzel bites, on the other hand is a good time.

We got our pretzel bites and drinks.  This meant that each person was carrying two cups, one with soda and one with pretzel bites.  Did I forget that we had to get on a long escalator with said cups to reach a table to eat at.  Yeah, the escalator, not really a good idea apparently for a child with seizures. Elijah proceeded to have a short simple seizure while getting on the escalator.  Luckily his hand locked up on the drink cup.  Not so lucky is that his feet were three steps apart.  Elijah recovered quickly when I shouted out his name and Zeke grabbed him from falling over the edge of the railing.  Elijah only dropped three pretzel bites from his cup and doesn't really remember Zeke yanking back so his feet were on one step.  Everyone got safely off the escalator, but unfortunately the three pretzel bites fell onto a table below the escalator.

This where other people's stupidity kicked in and I have little patience for stupidity past the age of ten!  First, who puts a table beside an escalator.  People's feet, dust, germs, the ability to look up girls skirts? Yeah stupid idea on the part of the table organizers at the mall.  Second, the three hundred pound lady sitting with her 200 pound husband, eating Taco Bell, and their preschool aged kids, even more ignorant and stupid!

As we are getting off the escalator fat man starts coming towards us. "Those F*** kids just dropped S*** on my table and kids.  Well, I knew that Elijah had dropped something and while the fat man was looking for the culprits because he's too fat to move quickly and too stupid to watch whose coming off the escalator with said S***, he passed right by us.  I took Elijah by the table to apologize and offer to pick up whatever he dropped and compensate any food he had contaminated.  Well, female fat cow decided to strut her mental prowess as Elijah tried to apologize. "That kid almost hit my babies with that S***!  You really need to get control of that kid!" Enter mama bear (which would be ME)!  "He's trying to apologize for something he couldn't help!" Fat cow responds, "It's not hard to get on an esclator and not dump his stuff over the side!"
Elijah apologized again and offered to pick up whatever he dumped, but Fat Cow's daughter was eating the dropped pretzel bites.  Enter Mama Bear Again!  "We're sorry, but he has epilepsy and had a little seizure getting on the escalator." What Fat Cow said next made me want to cuss her out and punch her in her face as she tried to waddle herself onto the escalator!  Her response to a kid who has seizures and is apologizing for a mistake he had no control over, not forgiveness, or grace or simple courtesy.  No her response, "Epilepsy, I've never heard of that!  Nice of you to make up some crazy disease to excuse your kids bad behavior!"

I had to walk away!  Far away! Across to the other side of the food court!  Then when we sat down, I had to explain to my boys that she was ignorant and if THEY ever responded to someone like she did us, they'd eat their teeth for lunch! The boys were great about the whole incident!  They enjoyed their pretzel bites and all agreed that apologizing was the right thing to do, even if it was to a stupid, ignorant, fat cow!

I know that it's not nice to call overweight people fat cows, but it's also not nice to be a witch to a kid trying to apologize! I'll ask forgiveness from my friends who carry a little extra weight and I'll say a couple Hail Mary's and Our Fathers for my un-Christian thoughts, but I'll also pray that some educates that women so she doesn't have to live in ignorance and stupidity for the rest of her life!
Elijah having a great time with his pretzel bites despite dealing with stupidity!

Zeke and Colin having a good time after witnessing stupidity in action!

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