This post is written in kinda short and to the point sentences! I know it's not my usual entertaining banter, but it's been an interesting day!
So today's been a pretty interesting day as far as interesting days go! I don't know about you, but I always prefer to get the bad stuff out of the way first. That's probably why my husband scheduled Elijah's neurologist appointment for this morning! The news from the neurologist was mixed! I've managed not to kill Elijah by waiting too long to come to the doctor's! We learned that Elijah's seizures, migraines and brain to close to the brain stem issues can cause too much pressure in the brain! Brain Pressure is always a BAD THING! I feel pretty guilty for not knowing Elijah's issues could cause brain pressure that can cause permanent brain damage! If the medication cocktail doesn't improve symptoms in a month then an EEG must be completed and Elijah is not feeling going back into the ring with that machine and another knock out! The doctor's secretaries don't know how to work a fax machine! The new assistant principal doesn't know a damn thing about 504 plans,seizure action plans or my kid (can't wait for her to talk to Elijah tomorrow)!
The UGLY parts of the day were primarily dealing with a couple ignorant, self absorbed and generally hateful people! I'm sorry they're plates are currently overloaded with the demands of work, or their home improvements, or court or they're animals! I would of appreciated not being blamed for things I didn't do because I wasn't present or their lack of responsible behavior! Not my kid sweethearts! I'm a little busy with my own! Since the "sweethearts" are self absorbed with themselves and enjoy kicking people when they're down, I'm sure they will understand the ugliness they get back in return! You know what they say about KARMA sweethearts!
The Good parts of today are several! People have offered prayers up for Elijah and some even offered them for me to have the strength to deal with his needs. Everyone can benefit from some prayers! There doesn't appear to be any increased brain pressure in Elijah's head and he's still neurologically intact! Yeah for Elijah's brain for not putting extra pressure on the both of us because I feel guilty enough! Elijah asked to go for a two mile walk because he "needed to process what the doctor told me, so we wouldn't be stressed about headaches and seizures!" I love a good walk! The guidance counselor was fantastic dealing with the doctor's office and the 504 coordinator! Thank God she finds my kids entertaining! Elijah taught his brother and sister about side effects of medications and how his new meds could effect him. Nobody was too surprised that Elijah is not pregnant, drinking alcohol, or nursing so his side effects shouldn't be too bad! Elijah cut his own meds in half with the pill cutter and managed to not destroy, not lose and not cut a finger doing it! I got two loads of laundry done and remembered to bring milk home (hey remembering the milk is a pretty big deal when four kids can't eat cereal in the morning)! The remainder of the family was extra nice and patient tonight while Elijah and I processed the information from the neurologist to be re delivered to the rest of the world! When you've heard the same info six times and you intently listen each time that's a very good thing! Everyone in this house is sleeping, or being quiet before ten pm! Mom can now get her thoughts wrapped around the interesting day which is not always a luxury I have!
The attached picture is from Elijah's first EEG! We know Elijah is strong, he is brave and he will persevere! We're hoping for good days ahead, meds that work and people who enter our lives to be positive supports and supporters!
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