I'm finally sitting down, waiting on the plumber to get here because we have a busted pipe at our well. I remember as a kid that my parents would get up, have a cup of coffee and then start cleaning. My mom was a housewife for a while and she'd clean until noon. When my dad got sick, and Mom went back to work, the real cleaning began. Short a lung due to cancer, my dad was up at 4am every morning to clean the house. By 7am (the longest he'd let you sleep in) the floors had been vacuumed, swept and mopped, cabinets washed down, bathrooms disinfected and breakfast ready. The smell of scrambled eggs, bleach and Pine-Sol welcomed you to a new day, everyday!
I tell you this because I assure you my children do not live in an immaculate house. In fact, they live in quite the opposite because their mom and dad work, a lot! I clean on the weekends, if I'm not exhausted from the week, but these kids are home every day. Theybdo not seem perturbed that the house looks like a disaster daily. It begs the question, where did my dad's cleaning gene go?
This morning, when I got up, I noticed the daily battle over the dishes was won because there were no dishes in the sink. This is probably because my husband told the kids he was cutting off the water, and if Josie had any hopes of driving the tractor again, the dishes better be done. Without the mountain of dishes a family this large produces, to despair over in the morning, I could turn my attention to other matters.
Please tell me why five other people live in this house and NONE of them are capable of seeing dog hair, food debris, or trash on the floor? What stops them from grabbing the broom and sweeping, or plugging in the vacuum, or hell, just bending over to pick up the trash that they threw on the ground?
It took me ten minutes to wipe down the counters, sweep the kitchen and the living room floor. Is it too much to ask that if you live here, you could take ten minutes from your hetic schedule of XBOX and social media to bend over, pick up the trash you threw down and sweep up the dog hair? The response from the child who was up was "yes" and "no one other than me notices such things". Impossible I say and because four kids live here more than I do, I know they made most of this mess! Maid was never a career aspiration of mine so, for birthdays and Christmas everyone is getting a broom! Maybe then their cleaning genes will be activated and I can go back to sitting on my porch, drinking a Coke and writing. Hey, we all have dreams!
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