This week's receipt! |
Last week Elijah, who is 11, watched a marathon of Extreme Coupons. That was a huge mistake because after the marathon of coupons and stockpiles, Elijah went grocery shopping with me. Elijah usually goes grocery shopping with me. He likes to make the list, and then come home and organize everything. Elijah has a little OCD streak so, if he's going grocery shopping there is a way the buggy has to be packed, unpacked and stored. Ever watch an 11 year old tell a bagger their packing the cart wrong? I have on several occasions. "Soda goes on the bottom, not in the cart bagger person!" The struggle is real people!
Last week's savings! |
Last week Elijah was able to save $63.28 with the coupons that he found in the store. It was a family record. He was excited and the lady ringing us up was excited. My husband was not only excited, but impressed enough to get him an official coupon binder and some more coupons. Elijah ordered his sister to clean out her closet so he'd have a place to start his stockpile and she did it. What the hell? Where did I go wrong? Why is he so interested in doing this? Why do I have to be his wing man? My idea of good grocery shopping is get in and get out as quickly as possible. Ever go grocery shopping with a budding extreme couponer? It is its own special hell.
This week's savings! |
THE MADNESS!!! MAKE IT STOP! STOP ENCOURAGING IT! More episodes of Extreme Coupon. A woman who's 8 months pregnant diving in a dumpster for coupon flyers, seems legit says the 11 year old Coupon King. No it seems like you have a problem and might want to consider medication. With new binder in hand and several coupon flyers, Elijah (now known as the Coupon King) cut out coupons, made a list and uploaded on line coupons. A plan of attack was made all before 11AM this morning. Grocery shopping took two hours. We were those people who had two buggies of groceries. We were those people holding up the line. We were those people who the check out lady rolled her eyes and sighed when the Coupon King pulled out his stack of coupons. The bagger girl was enthralled with our little Coupon King. She wanted to take a picture to show her economics teacher. People were starting to lean over and gather. The manager came over when the cashier started to struggle with the amount of coupons, looking agitated, until the bagger girl informed the crowd that it was not me engaging in this madness, but a cute little 11 year old boy. The total kept rising and you could tell the Coupon King was getting nervous. His goal was to beat last week's record. If he could get to $100 in savings his dad promised him $25.00 and going out to eat (and yes he has a coupon for that too). When the total savings got over $75. even the cashier was starting to get excited. The total reached $90.00 and people were impressed until the Coupon King informed the crowd that the cashier did not put is online coupons in. With the press of some buttons the online coupons went in and the grand total of savings was $107.99. The Coupon King was spelling his name for onlookers and people were clapping!
The unpacking begins! |
Now we are home and the rest of the kids are impressed with the Coupon King's haul. The Coupon King's subjects are putting away groceries and the Coupon King is basking in the glow of a successful trip to the grocery store. The Coupon King's wing man has been asked to get some Sunday papers for future trips. Too bad the Coupon King's mom has banned him from the grocery store next week! If you see my son on an episode of Extreme
Coupon please know that I am not encouraging this madness, but he's having a great time and saving money so the rest of the family is!
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