Hard to see but angry rash! |
I have found myself more and more being angry and frustrated with the condition of my life. Perhaps because I am turning 40 in October, or perhaps because I just have too much on my plate that I'm not all that interested in eating. Angry and frustrated sums up how I have been feeling for about a month! There's the typical physical stuff that goes along with the Hashimoto's (fatigue, muscle aches, stomach issues, and clumps of hair falling out). There's the typical stuff of being an assistant principal (unhappy parents, unhappy kids, and unhappy teachers). There's the typical mom stuff (checking grades, chores, feedings, cleaning, transporting and suporting). THERE'S TOO MUCH STUFF!
New haircut! |
My body has not reacted well to there being all this stuff and frankly, I have done a very poor job of making sure that I'm taking care of myself. I haven't run since school started. My diet currently consists of processed food, take out and coke. Last weekend, I went to the ER for stomach pains which turned out to be an UTI and stomach infection. This weekend I am battling an angry rash on my feet and legs! Enough is enough! I read on lots of blogs and lots of people tell me "You need to take care of yourself!" You would think that someone with a PhD would know how to take care of themselves, but if I'm listening to my body, the answer is NO! So, it's time to regroup and refocus!
Today, I went for a haircut and got my eyebrows waxed! Took a selfie to remember the style that will not be possible Sunday morning when I try to do it myself, but at least I was cute today!
Mini pumpkin pies! |
I have made the decision to stop worrying about the scale! I'm going to make a concentrated effort to eat real food and food I ENJOY! Despite some caring co workers and friends who keep suggesting gluten free and paleo diets as a cure for what ails me, I'll be eating food that is not processed but tastey! I will be baking and cooking whenever I can because it taste good and I enjoy doing it! It also makes my house smell good! Don't you wish you could smell the pumpkin pies and homemade bread too?
Crafty! |
I have also made the decision to work less at things I'm not enjoying! I work like a dog most days, and go to bed exhausted! Most days I feel I did not accomplish ANYTHING! This is where a great deal of my anger and frustration comes from and that's about to change. When I look around at school, there are plenty of students and grown ups not working like me. They're not panic stricken about completing their TO DO LIST. They're enjoying themselves and doing things that they like to do! In an effort to be more like other people (more fun, less work), I did a craft. I will be watching football! I will be watching Blacklist and Outlander! I'm even planning a long run tomorrow!
So, a rash all over my feet, the feet that keep me going from task to task has promoted me to refocus my time and energy more on things I find enjoyment in and less on working!
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