Elvis and I went for a hilly run! |
For a couple years now I have been looking at Runner's World's advertisements for the Flying Pig Marathon in Cincinnati, Ohio. This year I ran it. I should have paid closer attention to the elavation map, because if I had I'm pretty sure I would not have been so excited to run this race.
There were over 12,000 registered for the half. The corrals were well marked but a little small, especially in the last corral where I and several walkers hung out. They call the corrals PIG PENS and that's exactly what they felt like. If this is how pigs feel before the slaughter than I feel a little guilty about my love of bacon! There was lots of chatter about how hilly the course was that I could of done without that morning, and I wished I had not forgot my gum, but other than that things went well
The view from the last pig pen! |
Still waiting to start! |
The 6:30 am start was early, but it was also nice to be done and back at the hotel before lunch. Starting near the Ohio river and in between two sports team stadium's was pretty cool too. There were lots of people to cheer you on throughout the course. Every couple of miles there were bands and there were signs everywhere. The community did a great job supporting the runners, even us slow ones in the back!
One of the many bridges I ran over |
Learning that bridge=hill |
The course was hilly. The first hill was the first bridge over the Ohio River into a cute Kentucky town. I'm sure the town would of been cuter if I wasn't so tired from dodging the potholes on the bridge and the hill to get to Kentucky. The hills for the first four miles were just teasers to what miles 6-9 had in store. At mile 6 you start the ascent up to Eden Park. This hill was huge and just when you thought you were done, you'd turn a corner to only see more hill. At least the view from the top was beautiful and I was very thankful for the band and water station up there! Now why I had to look at my time at the 10K mark going up hill eludes me, but I was only 5 minutes behind my estimated time. Which was pretty good since I don't run hills and was dealing with stomach issues!
The view from the top! |
Bob Platt can kiss it! |
Water stations and porta potties were plentiful until mile 10. Why oh why did I pass up the mile 10 porta pottie I'll never know, but it made for a slow and sloshy three miles to the finish. At mile 11 you start to go down hill. A big down hill! By now my feet were protesting and I could feel the blisters, One for each foot. I haven't had blisters in a long time, but I assume its from the swelling and up and down on the hills and sliding around in my shoes. See there is a valid reason why I don't run hills!
The finish was lovely! There were people lined up everywhere and they were loud! We got a mylar blanket, even though it was close to 70 when I finished and a cool two sided medal with a flying pig. There was plenty of food and water at the end of the race. I wish that they had coke, but I was happy to see a short line at the porta potties!
Adoring fans at the finish! |
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