Today was open day at the Y. The kids were super excited because they were giving out free tee shirts! Since the hubs had a rare day off he went with us. The Y was hosting sample classes and I was hoping to sample Zuma or yoga. Instead my daughter and I stumbled into Spin 101! My husband, you ask? Yeah, he got the hell out of dodge and left me with a lady from work who loves spin class and my daughter who was actually enthusiastic about moving. I knew there was no way I was getting out of this, so I signed in and away we ventured into hell.
The spin room is an old racquetball court that has been converted to a spin room. The room is painted red, black with orange highlights. The lights stay off. Rope lighting and a spotlight over an orange painted YMCA logo provide the only lights in the room. The ambiance is very soothing, which we learned was to help the spinners get into the "zone" and focus on your ride. Very Zen!
There are about 25 spin bikes. We were informed that these bikes were different than other stationary bikes because the wheel is weighted 40 pounds. This was the first sign I was entering hell! Who wants to peddle the weight of a small child? The instructor was very sweet and set my bike up for me. It required a lot of adjustments and the only thing I remember is my seat goes all the way up and it sits at a 4!
The next warning/instructions given were the use of the emergency brake, which is a big red lever on the front of the bike. Apparently, if your foot comes out of the straps you have to hit the emergency break so the bike doesn't take your legs off. Oh happy day, sign two I have entered hell!
The music started and the instructor started talking my daughter and I through our first spin class. Not one minute after starting, the instructor informed us that we could ignore her instructions and do our own thing because spin is all about enjoying the ride. WHAT?! Sign three I have entered hell, no clear instructions on how to get through this and it started to get hot.
Thirty minutes of attempting to stand, sit, and adjust the weight on the wheel had me sweating, I mean pouring sweat. I knew we had arrived into the depths of hell when Satan, oops the friendly instructor, came over to tell me I wasn't standing right and added more weight to the wheel. What the hell happened to doing your own thing?
The liar, liar pants on fire saying came to my head. This was not fun like my work friend said. I was not getting to do my own zen thing. Oh, and my pants were literally on fire. I never have had my butt hurt so much on a bike as it did in the thirty minute ride. The happy club music ended and so did hell, or at least I thought until people wanted to talk to my daughter.
My daughter that thinks getting up to change the channel is exercise? She wasn't sweating and having a blast! She even asked if we could make going to spin class a weekly thing. I suggested we take up running together, but Satan, I mean the instructor, told us spinning is so much better for your joints. The "be a good example" mom in me said sure before the "crazy says what" mom could say hell no! So, once a week I guess I'll be battling Satan in hell, opps I mean getting in shape at spin class!
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