Many of you that see me every day know that I will no longer be a special ed teacher. I accepted a position as an assistant principal at a high school in Southwest Georgia. Think Heat of the Night, Dukes of Hazards and add a chicken processing plant and that's where I'll be trying my hand at being an assistant principal. I'm excited for the new opportunity and my husband is relieved that I'm finally putting seven years of education to work! As my new adventure in education is three hours away, it has necessitated a move for the entire family. While the office, lap top and pay raise were all cool. the rest of the family was a little less than impressed that we are going to be moving. This is how it breaks down on the opinion to move:
Stephen: Senior year, as long as I get to wrestle, whatever (yes we are moving to a district where he can wrestle, but more on that later)
Zeke: Freshmen, doesn't care because it was all going to be new to him anyway!
Josie: Eighth grade is worried about possibly sharing a room, but willing to make new friends that don't take medication.
Elijah: Since we picked the house that he liked he's okay as long as the new school doesn't make a big deal about his seizures.
Colin: Looking forward to new people to charm.
And the biggest kid of them all..... my husband.....
Excited that our new house will have central air, not thrilled about a three bedroom house with all these kids and researching a tractor for the acre of land that the house is on.
That leaves one person left, me and I'm frankly overwhelmed at the process of buying and moving. The first time I bought a house I was pregnant and my ex-husband handled the details. I just directed where I wanted stuff put. The second time I bought a house, I was pregnant and Brian handled all the packing. I just paid for the house and directed where I wanted stuff. This time it's different. Brian is working and even though we are not moving until August 2, I have to pack and organize the move on top of all the paper work.
Right now I'm at the point where I'm willing to take the dining room table, kitchen ware, beds and clothes, the TV, and the computers and leave the rest in Griffin until my brain can process all the change. I know that probably isn't what's' going to happen, but a girl can dream right!
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