Spring has sprung and so have the spring storms. We usually watch the weather pass around us on the television, but tonight the tornado warning went up and the wind started blowing a little side ways so, the kids and I headed to the basement. We have lived in our older home, surrounded by old oak trees for eight years. We have a storm cellar in the basement, but the basement has been "under construction" since we moved in! Going to the basement for a storm is a pretty big deal, but when the wind started blowing sideways, I ordered the kids to the basement!
Of course the tornado warning has to come as I'm getting supper ready! Really!? Ten more minutes and we could of ate at the table, but mother nature moves at her own pace. I also had a five mile run on the treadmill planned, but that's not going to happen tonight!
As I'm getting plates ready to take to the basement, the kids started taking their valuables to the basement. What did they bring? Blankets, stuffed animals, the dogs, the ipad, cell phones, a couple chairs, drawing supplies, running shoes, water, soda, a Bible, their supper and ice cream sandwiches for dessert. Interesting combination of items and they were a little perturbed that I didn't bring a whole lot. What did I bring? My phone, my favorite blanket, a chair, a coke, my running shoes and supper. My most valuable things were already in the basement with me!
The treadmill became a supper table. We had a nice meal and good conversation. I'm thinking that we should have more tornado warnings. After we clean up the basement of course!
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