I've been in a funk lately. I've been re examining my life, waiting on medical test and just trying to survive. Currently, work and spider solitare take up most of my time. I'm not depressed, but I'm not living life to the fullest. I have migraines and epilipsey that limit me some but, I need to do better!
I have attempted to get myself motivated for work, for running, for life in general, but just haven't arrived at the place where I'm fully engaged in anything I'm doing. I just feel like at 38, I should be doing something fantastic! I'm not sure what that is and friends and co workers keep telling me I should be impressed with the stuff I do and have done. I know not everyone has a great husband, or kids, or a home,or a PhD, or a job but what now? What about the between big events? How do you search for the next chapter when you're not sure you're finished with the first? I have lots of questions that I need better answers for.
Tomorrow we leave for Tampa. I'll be running a half marathon that I have not trained properly for. It could be a long four hour walk, but at least the sun will be out and I'll have plenty of time to figure out how I can do better. Wish me luck!
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