Monday, October 22, 2012

WebMD, My Doctor and Me

Tomorrow marks a big day in my migraine treatment. I have to tell the doctor that I've been having numbing, swelling and breathing difficulties when I take my Imitrex. I know severe allergic reactions are nothing to play with, but Imitrex and I are old friends and it frightens me to suffer from chronic migraine without my trusty savior Imitrex! I also have to tell the doctor that I'm having uncontrollable twitching with my eyes and arms, as well as some moments of unfocused time (I'm not sure how to describe such moments other than the lights are on, I'm home, but can't really do much)!

Web MD, that wonderful tool where you can diagnose yourself and have several life ending illness at the same time, seems to think I have simple seizures. That's perplexing because I take a seizure med for a preventative for migraine. Obviously the seizure med does not feel it has to do double duty if I do indeed have seizures. Epilepsy is Elijah's claim to fame, and at my age I really don't want to step on his toes and share that diagnosis. How about I'll just be a coach and cheerleader for people with epilepsy? Seems like a good deal to me!

I could make all the deals I wanted, but everyone knows I'll pay $45 tomorrow to know less than I do today. The doctor will caution me against self diagnosis, but encourage me to manage/adjust my medication as needed. I do have a doctorate degree (okay it's a phd in education but for $45 we could say close enough, right?) so, I should be educated enough to not jump to conclusions after a brief consultation with Web MD! Expensive test maybe ordered, more questions asked, and I may still be left with the same issues/diagnosis I made before WebMd or the brain works when it wants to, kinda like the rest if the people in the world!

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