Sunday, September 9, 2012

Insurance Rant

I'm trying to stay out of politics this election season! I have both conservative and liberal friends and would like to keep both sets if at all possible, but the status of health insurance in this country is horrendous!

I'm a public school teacher, which use to be a good job, with good benefits, now, not so much! I'll over look the lack of materials, ever changing curriculums, increased class sizes and increased hours because we're here for the kids! I haven't got a pay raise in six years (and with furlough days, I've actually received substantial pay cuts). Those factors aren't what bothers me most, it's what I've received in regards to my ability to stay healthy to continue being there for the kids!

What I have received the last six years is an increase in my health insurance costs! By the way, I'm also tired of being told I should be happy to have a job with some benefits? Really? Why? If I didn't have a job/benefits I could get Medicare/Medicaid and not pay health insurance premiums for insurance that continuously charges me more for less coverage! Don't believe that's possible with the new Obama care? Well, you're wrong and if you have an existing condition you just might be dead wrong, unless you have some pretty deep pockets!

My insurance refused to pay for Elijah's EEG to confirm the type of seizures he had and refused to pay for both of our MRI's to confirm we did not have brain tumors (which run in my family)! Those three bills were 2000 a piece (the insurance company was nice enough to make sure the hospital and radiologist charged us the approved provider rate but did not apply the 6000 towards our 6000 family deductible). My daughter's broken arm insured out of pocket cost? Well that was 150 ER copay, 120 for X Rays, four 45.00 co pays and a 1000 hospital bill for using their facilities! None of which was applied to our deductibles.

If diagnostic tests and a relativity simple treatment doesn't get your panties in a ruffle, how about what insurance companies do with prescriptions? Twice I've been asked to change meds because the insurance company didn't find them medically necessary. Yes, I'm sure the nice lady in the cubicle isn't concerned about the quickest, most effective inhaler for when I don't breathe, because she's concerned about the cost to the company that's supported by my 350 a month that is directly taken from my check! How about some rationing? Anyone? I'm allowed 15 Imetrex a month despite the neurological team explaining to the patient advocate why I may need more! They're response? If I'm really in that much pain I can go to the ER (at 150.00 just to go, never mind the doctor bill of the attending). We had a similar argument over Elijah's Maxlat but they agreed to only charge us 50 for 12 tablets! Pretty nice of them, if they don't say so themselves!

Why this current rant? Well mostly in part because I was informed by email that my family coverage will go up from 350 to 450 a month! In the upcoming weeks I'll get online access to compare plans (which all charge 450 for full family). That's mighty nice of them. That's 450 if I and my husband agree to take a wellness test and physical. Possibly my kids this year might have to take the same test. Will our insurance premiums be reduced if we're healthy? Nope! I scored a 96 out of a 100 last year and what I got was a 100 dollar increase! So for all those on the right, the insurance/care system is broke and your politicians should help fix it! For all my friends on the left, Obamacare did not fix insurance/care systems and your politicians should fix it! Instead of arguing, how about both sides stop trying to be right and agree to fix healthcare and insurance! I'd like to be able to get the care I need, and the meds I need to lead a great life!


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